
To get things like this, makes me feel the project is worth working for!!! You touch my heart. I´m so honored the project touched yours ❤ Elisabeth Rennesrud.

 Here is my key ... I can finally say ... it has taken some time.
This key has done its job. It is used to unlock and lock a special door.
That's the life story of a key.

And here's my point. I've realized that I, as a result of my own choices,
use keys all the time--not just for unlocking, but also for locking.

I have been forced to close and lock some doors during my life. Only then
can I open other doors.
You need good and honest friends to see which door it is time to close.

Now I have finally locked a particularly difficult door. It has not been
easy, but I feel like I have received more energy back in my life. Energy
spent on a worthless open door that created a draft, can now be used for
something more worthwhile, in other places and on other people.

I can follow my heart and use my energy on what I find true and meaningful!

........ I prefer to open doors, so I will do as much of that as possible
in the future ....... :0

I wish too be a key person.


Per Person and Gunn-Helen Johansen at Friends Fair Trade in Oslo have given keys to the project, and also helped to collect from their customers. Conscious people working for good :) THANKS FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTION!!!!!


Key from artist Vera Staishevskaja from Talin, Estonia. She works with both painting and graphics. Delicate work, with lots of symbols and meaning. Thank you for joining Keys_for_peace and for being a conscious key-person!! :)