

"A small contribution for the peace key" from Sissel Espensen. THANK YOU, it´s GREAT !! :)



Photo by the Norwegian photo artist Knut Utler , reporting art-comment on war



Thank you so much Diana Lawson from Scotland, you were in Oslo in june on the Opera roof, and you have sent me nice words and wonderful keys. One even looks handmade with an S, for SUPER key ;)


Bern Anita u. Johann: "Wir wünschen viel Glück zu Ihrem Projekt und grüssen sie freundlich" Nice photo from Switzerland and their mountains, with three beautiful keys. I´m so grateful :)


So many people sending keys with cards from the Opera :) GREAT you send keys, but U may keep the card, I have many myself ;) This one I had some trouble understanding. Please write so I understand, I really want to log you in my book



Caretaker and opera lover has gathered several keys to keyproject. THANK YOU for your participation :)



I experienced so much fantastic music at Bøgrend Autofestival last weekend. One of the wonderful volunteers gave me a pair of keys for the project. Thank you so much Monika Skaalerud!! I have just met you once, but I have already seen your commitment, your positive attitude, and your enormous will to do things for others. You are a great key-person! Monica normally works for youth as a deacon in Lørenskog

I get so HAPPY every time I open the key-box finding keys from you all over the world Here is one from Georgia & Alfredo, Minnesota USA, keyfriends of Eugenio (he sent me this old key from Portugal) I had to picture them together JOINED, GREAT key-reaction!! Thank you Georgina and Alfredo for your kind words and warm thoughts for Norway after what happened. Blessings and LOVE



I got new key sent on key-card from Opera roof :-) Thanks M. Lukassen from Holland!!



Thank you dear Eugenio from Portugal for beautiful key and key-words ( see earlier post). And thank you for your kind words when we experienced all this tragedy in Norway. Hopefully this tragedy got Norwegian people and hopefully others to understand that dangerous people is not about religion, country, or culture. We have to start communication, respect and love for each other. Often hate and war is about miss-understanding and lack of care.